The history of No 602 Squadron began with the proposal submitted by Flying Officer Michael Chan. Michael submitted the proposal to HQ to set up a squadron in HKU SPACE at the time when he was still an Officer Cadet. The proposal was approved in September 2002 when Michael was commissioned as a Pilot Officer. He was at the same time appointed as the Second-in-Command of the newly established unit.
Acting Flight Lieutenant Victor Ho was assigned to be the Officer Commanding of the newborn unit, No 6001 Flight, which is the first independent unit in the newly established Wing, the Universities and Institutions Wing, No 6 Wing. At March 2003, No. 6001 flight upgarded to No 602 Squadron on 31st March 2003. Beginning as a dream of Flying Officer Michael Chan, No 602 (HKU SPACE) Squadron is indeed a fine example and a celebration of how members of the Corps turn dreams into a reality.